Message from the Director
“Encounter with art, conversation with art, enjoyment of art”
First opened on November 3, 1982, the Museum of Fine Arts, Gifu closed a year ago for renovations, and reopens November 3, 2019.
With the reopening, we slightly change our museum slogan from “encounter with art, dialogue with art” to “encounter with art, conversation with art,” and add a new emphasis on “enjoyment of art.” The curatorial staff takes the initiative in providing opportunities for “encounter with art”
through exhibitions, the educational promotion staff leads in creating opportunities for “conversation with art,” and a newly formed art communication team designs time and space for “enjoyment of art” together with visitors to the Museum. We also want to further advance what we call “nan’yaro ne” activities, which were launched to awaken people to the fascinations of art. The new “Nan’yaro-ne Station” provides concierge functions. The Nan’yaro-ne Station serves as the hub of all the information at the Museum and proposes ways for spending time at the Museum. The newly established Art Communicator’s Room is a place for creating ways to enjoy art. The “Kids Corner” section of that room is another new facility. The Multipurpose Hall, which features a pipe organ and replicas of Michelangelo’s works, has a café for rest and relaxation. The Museum Shop, now called the “Nan’yaro-ne Shop,” is better stocked than ever. The refurbished Museum offers not only exhibition viewing but a place for enjoyment of relaxation time.
The reopened Museum, in addition to being a place for appreciation of art, is also a base for transmitting the originality of the Museum and the appeal of the local community, as well as for creating things through communication with people. Since 2016 the Museum has been carrying out various projects under the catchword “Nan’yaro ne” aimed to connect people and art. Through such projects as “Nan’yaro-ne Workshops,” “Nan’yaro-ne Art Tours,” “Artist in Museum” residential program, and “Art Maru-ket” exhibition series, the Museum seeks to promote connections: people with works of art, the community to art, people to people, and people with the community. We hope that the Museum will be a place where you can experience art in more diverse ways.
Hibino Katsuhiko